The cast from L-R: Jessica Braynor as Sylvia, Mandy Danberry as Sheriff Sammy, Angela Robb as Virginia, Matt Donohue as Rodney, Scott Sample as Chester, Elyse Emmerling as Milly, Tony Gladden as Richard, and Deb Lasky as Amanda. Directed by: Rob Michael Lasky
The cast from L-R: Jessica Braynor as Sylvia, Mandy Danberry as Sheriff Sammy, Angela Robb as Virginia, Matt Donohue as Rodney, Scott Sample as Chester, Elyse Emmerling as Milly, Tony Gladden as Richard, and Deb Lasky as Amanda. Directed by: Rob Michael Lasky
In 2015, we produced another interactive murder mystery, BIDDING FOR MURDER.  The premise was a fake bachelor auction to raise money for charity, but the auction was interrupted by the auctioneer’s untimely demise!  WHO DUN IT?  This time we mixed some more experienced community theater actors along with some of our post family members.  We added a second performance for this production.  Both crowds enjoyed the show and this was another success!

Bidding for Murder Flier

Our promo video produced and narrated by our friend Michael Schuimo. Enjoy!