We would like to thank all of the patrons, sponsors, cast, crew and Kelsey staff for making our Kelsey debut of Noel Coward’s Present Laughter May 27th-June 5th, 2022 a huge success! Stay tuned for updates for our exciting 2022-23 season by checking here often or by following the Kelsey website: www.kelseytheatre.org
AUDITIONS for our 2022-23 season will be announced shortly!
The cast of PRESENT LAUGHTER (Front row seated on sofa L-R): Karena Paleologo, Tim Rerucha, Cathy Coryat. (Back row L-R): Dave Patterson, Barry Leonard, Jessa Bedser, Sachin Ajuha, Melissa Rittmann, Ruth Markoe, Angela Robb, Deb Lasky, and Mark E. Evans. Directed by: Rob Michael Lasky.
22 A DAY by Mark Bodrog & Hunter Haskins Thank you to all who came to support this very serious show. We raised a lot of funds and spread much awareness of the Veterans suicide problem.